Yes, very possible the cable is the issue.
I would replace the cable.
1. Ensure that the transmission is in the mechanical neutral position.
Rotate the transmission control lever clockwise until it reaches the full clockwise stop position.
Move the shift lever counterclockwise two detents.
2. Remove the clip from the bracket that secures the shift cable to the transmission.
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3. Remove the shift cable end from the transmission shift lever stud ball.
4. Remove the three shift cable clips from the body.
5. Remove the grommet from the hole in the floor panel.
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6. If the vehicle is equipped with a transfer cage, remove the bolt and washer securing clip and the shift cable to the transfer case.
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7. Remove the clip that secures the shift cable to the steering column bracket.
8. Remove the shift cable end from the steering column shift controller stud ball.
9. Remove the cable from the vehicle.
Pull the cable from under the vehicle.
1. Ensure that the transmission is in the mechanical neutral position.
Rotate the transmission control lever clockwise until it reaches the full clockwise stop position.
Move the shift lever counterclockwise two detents.
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2. Feed the steering column end of the shift cable through the grommet hole in the floor panel of the vehicle.
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3. Connect the shift cable end to the steering column shift controller stud ball.
4. Install the clip that secures the shift cable to the steering column bracket.
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5. Install the shift cable to the transmission bracket.
Do not depress the locking tab that secures the shift cable to the transmission bracket.
Ensure that the tab remains positioned OUT.
Do not install the shift cable end to the transmission shift lever stud ball.
1. Ensure that the shift cable is not restricted.
2. Place the steering column shift lever into the NEUTRAL position.
3. Position the shift cable to assume a natural routing.
The shift cable must be free to move 20.0 mm (0.80 inch) axially during the adjustment under adjustment spring loads.
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4. Pull the cable end completely forward and release it. (When the cable is pulled completely forward and released, the adjustment spring will position the cable to its most rearward position.)
5. Connect the end of the shift cable to the transmission shift lever stud ball.
NOTICE: Do not pull the shift lever ball stud forward of the transmission shift lever ball stud during installation. Pulling the shift cable end forward of the transmission shift lever ball stud before installing the shift cable end to the transmission shift lever ball stud will result in a poor adjustment.
6. Press the locking tab IN in order to secure the shift cable to the transmission bracket.
7. If the vehicle is equipped with a transfer case, install the bolt and washer securing clip and the shift cable to the transfer case.
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8. Install the grommet to the hole in the floor panel.
9. Install the three shift cable clips to the body.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 AT 2:23 AM