Tuesday, February 19th, 2019 AT 1:37 AM
While I am driving and holding the accelerator steady, the engine pauses for one second as if I had just released the accelerator. A couple of things I need to mention is that every so often for the last couple months when I go to start the engine it only cranks and I turn the key back to the off position and wait about thirty seconds and then it starts right up. The other thing I need to mention is the radio only works when it feels like it. The reason I am mentioning the radio problem is because my thought is that there is a slight possibility that there may be corroded connection at the ECM or the BCM. I am leaning towards the fuel pump starting to go. With this problem being intermittent, it makes it difficult to troubleshoot. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated before I end up stuck on the side of the road needing a tow.