It sounds like the tensioner is chattering, which is very possible, or the A/C clutch is kicking on and off.
I attached a pic below. The highlighted part is the belt tensioner. Check to see if that is vibrating when this is happening.
Next, in red, I circled the A/C compressor. At the front of the pulley is the clutch. With the A/C off, the pulley spins freely. When you turn the A/C on, the clutch clicks in and turns the compressor. Check to see if that clitch is kicking on and off. Here is how you can tell:
The center of the pulley will not be turning with the AC off. When it's on, the center will engage and turn. If you look at pic 2, in red I circled the clutch. With the AC off, that will not turn while the pulley does. When turned on, that engages and begins to turn with the pulley.
Let me know what you find or if you have other questions. Also, if I had to guess, I would say the tensioner is the issue and not the compressor clutch, but since it stops when turned off, that is where the sound may be coming from as well.
Take care,
See pics below.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Friday, May 20th, 2022 AT 9:39 PM