Hi Linley,
Unfortunately, too many mechanics guess at what a vibration could be based on what it feels like. I would ask that they use a vibration analyzer.
Most do not have them and relay on their guessing ability but as you know, guessing is expensive.
A vibration analyzer will tell them what the system is that is causing the vibration. They will get what is called a hertz reading and then with that, the RPM, and speed they should be able to tell if it is a wheel/tire, engine, driveshaft/axles, or something else. Without this information, we are guessing just like they are but they have the luxury of at least driving the vehicle.
Based on what you said happened, it sounds like you have a steering component that has failed. It is unusual for a bushing or something to give out so suddenly and not be able to find the issue quickly.
Even though you said they put new tires on it, did they do what is called road force balance them? I am wondering if you have a broken belt in the tire. Just balancing the tire may not show this however, a road force balance will show it. They should be able to inspect them as well and make sure there is no bulge on the sidewall (inboard or outboard) or in the tread. This would happen pretty suddenly and could explain the issue.
Let me know what they say and I am happy to be a sounding board for their ideas. Thanks
Sunday, June 2nd, 2019 AT 7:19 PM