Valve cover is stuck on, how can I remove it?

  • 2.0L
  • 4 CYL
  • 4WD
  • 380,000 MILES
Everything has been removed holding the valve cover in place. Everything. Cover seems to be really stuck on. Tried tapping with a rubber mallet and applying a heat gun to the seal. Still stuck on real tight.
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 AT 12:41 PM

1 Reply

  • 52,797 POSTS
Good evening,

Sometimes you have to hit it pretty hard with the rubber mallet to get the seal to release. I would attempt it again.

I attached the procedure for you below.


Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the 4 ignition coils.

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2. Remove the 4 ignition coils (1).
3. Remove the accelerator cable from the clip on the cylinder head cover.
4. Remove the oil level gauge.
5. Remove the Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) hose.
6. Remove the PCV breather hose.
7. Remove the 6 cap nuts and washers from the cylinder head.

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8. Remove the cylinder head cover (1).
9. Remove the cylinder head cover gasket (2).
10. Remove the 4 O-rings (3).

Installation Procedure

Important: Use a new cylinder head cover gasket, new O-rings and a new side seal whenever the cylinder head cover replacement procedure is performed.

1. Ensure that the new gasket, the new O-rings and the new side seal are correctly positioned during the cylinder head cover installation.
2. Clean the sealing surfaces on the cylinder head cover and the cylinder head.

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3. Apply GM P/N 12346240 or equivalent to the cylinder head at the points indicated (1).

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4. Install the 4 new O-rings (3) to the cylinder head cover (1).
5. Install the new cylinder head cover gasket (2) to the cylinder head cover.
6. Install the new cylinder head side seal (4) to the cylinder head.
7. Install the cylinder head cover to the cylinder head.

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.

8. Install new washers to the cylinder head cover and install the cap nuts.
Starting in the center, cross-tighten the cylinder head cover nuts evenly to 11 Nm (97 inch lbs.).

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9. Install the 4 ignition coils (1).
10. Connect the 4 ignition coils.
11. Install the accelerator cable to the clip on the cylinder head cover.
12. Install the oil level gauge.
13. Install the Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) hose.
14. Install the PCV breather hose.
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Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 AT 3:52 PM

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