Thanks for the re


Thank you for the response. For measuring the fuel pressure, the figure attached has a black plastic snap connector, which I assume is the fuel line connection. After I remove the plastic clamp, I tried to separate the line/hose by pulling, but did not want to break anything. Is there something else holding the line to the hose? Also, when I put the fuel pressure gage on, is it ok to put a hose over the formed aluminum bubl on the fuel line and just hold in place by hand while someone else turns it over, or is there too high of pressure to do so (about what pressure should I expect)?
You mention checking the vacuum line to the fuel regulator and seeing if there is gas in it. Does this need to be done when the engine is hot? The 2nd picture looking down on the fuel pump - is the hose you are talking about the one with the yellow clip in the picture? I was concerned about breakinhg the clip or the hose if trying to separate the hose from the plastic 90 degree part that is held in to the pump by the yellow clip.
Sunday, October 12th, 2008 AT 9:37 AM