I've got a 93 Camry wagon with 195000 miles. Took it to the dealer who said it needs new brakes all round: front pads and rotas, and rear shoes and drums. I replaced the front pads and rotas, and now get a whirring sound on the front right side - like metal against metal. I did notice there were no anti-squealing springs in place and I didn't get them. I also noticed the boot on the main piston on the right side was torn, and the piston itself seemed to have a gouge in the end of it, which seemed weird, as I couldn't understand how that would develop given the range of motion it has. After first hearing this noise I took off the caliper and pads and re-inserted them, but the noise is still there. Any idea what could be causing it?
I also found on the left side that one of the sliding pins in the torque plate was not sliding, it was jammed. I could turn it with a wrench, but couldn't free it to get it out, and I had to use a hammer to force it in, in order to fit the new brake pads in. It seemed like replacing the pin would require getting a replacement torque plate and pin.
IN fact I might just get one whole new caliper assembly and use the bit with the piston on the right side, and the torque plate on the left side?
Look forward to your help.
Sunday, August 12th, 2007 AT 2:57 PM