I've a burning question about my baby. My 1992 Camry XLE, 5S-FE just rolling over to 116,000k needs a transmission fluid flush. Big time.
I don't think the previous owners (my grandparents) EVER had the fluid completely exchanged, only changed and that was at 60k and 1997. The local shop that does the work said they wouldn't take my car because during the pre-screening questions before they will do an exchange I told them that the car does seem to hold 2nd gear longer than it should.
Now, this particular issue has been occurring since I was given the car in 2001 with 98k miles on it. It only happens when the car is being driven on cooler mornings and from a dead start (I live in Northern California, so it never drops below freezing), and once the engine warms up it shifts like a champ. I had the fluid 'changed' about 3 months ago. Not vamped out, just a good ol' drain and fill. However, the fluid is still dirty enough to warrant a complete exchange. So.
Here's the real question. Should I just have them exchange the fluid and change the filter, or do I REALLY need to take this thing to Cottman or Aamco for a thorough going over?
Thank you,
Saturday, September 22nd, 2007 AT 9:20 PM