Saturday, August 11th, 2007 AT 11:20 AM
I was driving at 40 mph when I hit a medium sized bump. I then heard a strange noise(like something dropping). Within a few seconds I had no gears working including reverse and car coasted to stop, engine still running fine. When I try shifting from any gear to park I hear a scary metalic grinding noise. No leaks under car. I can still push car when it is in park. 10 days earlier I rear ended another car and sustained front end damage(crumpled hood, smashed headlights. I had front end pulled out without damaging radiator or condensor and the car was running fairly well for 9 days. Any ideas on what the problem is likely to be. I am hoping it is not the transmission since repairing would cost more than car's worth. 92 toyota camry le-4 cylinder-2 wheel drive-92000 miles- automatic transmission thanks in advance, HK2000