I was driving at 40 mph when I hit a medium sized bump. I then heard a strange noise(like something dropping). Within a few seconds I had no gears working including reverse and car coasted to stop, engine still running fine. When I try shifting from any gear to park I hear a scary metalic grinding noise. No leaks under car. I can still push car when it is in park. 10 days earlier I rear ended another car and sustained front end damage(crumpled hood, smashed headlights. I had front end pulled out without damaging radiator or condensor and the car was running fairly well for 9 days. Any ideas on what the problem is likely to be. I am hoping it is not the transmission since repairing would cost more than car's worth. 92 toyota camry le-4 cylinder-2 wheel drive-92000 miles- automatic transmission thanks in advance, HK2000
Saturday, August 11th, 2007 AT 11:20 AM

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  • 31,937 POSTS
Hi there,

With the engine turned OFF. Have someone select the diferent gears while you watch the selector at the gear box. You will see a large cable going to a linkage on the gear box, this is seen from the top, just lift the bonnet (or hood as I think you call it over there) If the selector is moving as the gear lever is being moved the problem will be in the gear box, diff, or drive shafts. But check this with the engine turned off so you wont run anyone over if it does slip into gear.

Mark (mhpautos)
Was this
Sunday, August 12th, 2007 AT 9:08 PM

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