Monday, March 16th, 2009 AT 10:52 PM
My car has been running fine. The other day it suddenly started clunking like I had a tire had blown out or something. I pulled over and everything was fine. I tried driving both forward and backward and got the same "clunking" in both directions. The car was undriveable, so I had it towed to my mechanic. He says I need a new transmission ($3200 - $3500). I have already replace the head gaskets in the car, and after I hit a deer last year, the entire front end is basically brand new. I'm hesitant to put more $ into the car and want to make sure it isn't something other than the transmission. There is no check engine light on. The only other "symptom" was that in the last day or so (before I had it towed), sometimes the rpm would get high enough that I would expect to hear the gear shift, but it wouldn't.