Wednesday, September 19th, 2018 AT 11:41 PM
Hi there, I am currently working on my sister in law's car it is the LE model. We exchanged the transmission with a identical Camry, I added Toyota ATF IV transmission fluid, added coolant, made sure all wire harnesses are connected, all sensors connected. When I first turned the car on it started having pretty rough idle, check engine light came on and gave me codes: P0300, p0301, p0302, p0303 and p0304. I checked all vacuum hoses okay, checked MAF sensor, okay. Replaced spark plugs, checked volts on the ignition coils, checked and cleaned fuel injectors, also checked the connectors. I changed the camshaft sensor. When I start the car it gives a 2,500 close to 3,000 rpm's then drops to maybe 600 or 500 rpm's then it vibrates/shakes like if it is going to shut off and sometimes it does. What can it be?