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You have two unrelated issues. The trouble code indicates an issue with a heated oxygen sensor, and the alternator sounds like it's bad.
Now, what I suggest is to remove the alternator and have it bench tested at a parts store. Most will do it for free. Here is a link that explains how in general to remove and replace an alternator:
Here is a general test you can do at home:
Here are the specific directions for your vehicle. The attached pictures correlate with the directions. Note that the directions are for a 2.0L 4 cylinder. These cars didn't have a V6 in them. If the 2.0L is wrong, let me know.
1. Remove the cooling fan motor and shroud.
2. Remove the accessory drive belt.
pic 1
3. Remove the power steering pipe support brackets.
pic 2
4. Remove the exhaust manifold heatshield.
5. Raise and support the vehicle.
pic 3
6. Disconnect the generator electrical connectors.
pic 4
7. Remove the generator lower bolt.
8. Lower the vehicle.
pic 5
9. Remove the generator.
1 Disconnect the clip.
2 Remove the generator bolts.
pic 6
pic 7
pic 8
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
What I suggest is if the alternator fails a bench test, replace it, clear the trouble code, and then see if the code for the O2 sensor comes back. It could have to do with low voltage.
Let me know if you have other questions.
Take care,
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Friday, June 21st, 2019 AT 10:10 PM