the lights went dim, the radio said "Low Battery" and cut off. We got it home, and when I went to restart the car, the battery was dead.I jumped it, put a voltmeter to the alternator and it came out 8.6. It ran for awhile, but eventually stopped, again battery dead. Today, I disconnected the negative battery terminal as I was thinking of taking the alternator to Auto Zone to get tested, but due to its location, it was too difficult a job. So I jump started it and took it to a local mechanic, he put the voltmeter to it and it tested fine 14.2. Since the battery is over 5 yrs old, I put a new one in. Started it, put the voltmeter to it, 12.5 then after about 30 seconds or so went to 14.23 and stayed there. The only "work" I did was disconnect/reconnect battery terminals. What is going on? Can an alternator work intermittenly before it fails completely? Is there something else that should be tested? Or can this all be from a failing battery?
Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 AT 10:59 PM