The engine cranks but I have no spark or fuel I have tested the crankshaft refrence sensor it seems good the main ground from the ecu seems good I have been trying to find this problem for 2 or 3 weeks and my teacher at the career and technologies center I go to in the mornings belives its the ecu but I really dont wanna spend 500$ on an ecu. The car was running fine prior to the problem minus a minor idle problem I was having I backed off the set screw on the throttle butterfly because it was idleing around 1300 rpm and it dropped when I backed the set screw off but started to hunt for an idle after it ran for a few minutes but was runing fine with that problem shut it off one morning came out an hour later to start it and nothing it is cranking but there is no spark or fuel
ANY help would be grately appreciated this car is my baby
Thursday, May 9th, 2013 AT 5:50 PM