Thursday, November 18th, 2010 AT 6:58 PM
I have a 1989 nissan pickup with timing issues. I had to replace the water pump and upon doing so, my dad attempted to remove the crankshaft pulley becuase the haynes manual said to. I think he messed the timing up. He couldnt get it off so now he cut the bottom timing belt cover off completely, yeah cut it off, it will not be going back on and this had the timing mark on it. I still do not know how it got out of time, the only thing messed with the crankshaft pulley. My? Is since there is no mark (on the bottom timing belt cover which is no more) but there are the marks on the crankshaft pulley itself. If all the marks were in tact and corrcet and I shot a light on it, how does one adjust the timing to get it back on the TDC/marks. There is a square looking, I guess distributor but its not the round style. Its a VG301 engine V6. What do I do and mainly what Do I turn to advance or retard the timing?