NOTE: Check and adjust valve clearance when engine is cold.
Remove valve cover and spark plugs. Rotate crankshaft to bring piston No. 1 to TDC on
compression stroke. Pointer should be aligned with TDC mark on crankshaft pulley and cylinder No. 1 lifters should be loose. If not, rotate crankshaft 360° and align as described.
2. Measure valve clearance for valves as specified in the VALVE IDENTIFICATION table. Verify valve clearance is as specified in the VALVE CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT table. Repeat procedure, rotating crankshaft 240° each time until all valves have been checked. Record valve clearance measurements that are not within specifications.
3. Adjust valve clearance as required. Rotate crankshaft to position cam lobe upward for valve to
be adjusted. Remove adjusting shim. Measure thickness of shim being removed. Determine new shim size for intake valves by subtracting.0118 inch (.30 mm) from measured valve clearance and adding the result to the measured thickness of the removed shim. Determine new shim size for exhaust valves by subtracting.0130 inch (.33 mm) from measured valve clearance and adding the result to the measured thickness of the removed shim.
4. Select a new shim closest in size to that required. Shims are available in 64 sizes ranging
from.0913 inch (2.32 mm) to.1161 inch (2.95 mm) in.0004 inch (.01 mm) increments. Install
new shim with surface on which thickness is stamped facing down.
Cylinder At TDC Intake Valve Exhaust Valve
1 1 & 6 2 & 3
3 2 & 3 4 & 5
5 4 & 5 1 & 6
Application In. (Mm)
Intake .010-.013 (.26-.34)
Exhaust .011-.015 (.29-.37)
Saturday, January 10th, 2009 AT 6:12 AM