Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 AT 12:01 PM
Seven days ago I replaced my alternator. The other day I was driving home and the battery light came on and it was nite time so the lights started going dim so I guess that alternator went bad. It was a rebuild.I replaced it charged the battery and started the truck it ran about 2 seconds and shut off. It did this over and over.I hooked up my snap on fuel pressure gage and I have 69 psi. My book says it should be between 60 & 69 psi, so I don't think it's that. Hooked up my scanner and I have a code P2195 02 sensor signal stuck. If this is the problem would it let the truck start and shut it off this quick. There are 4 sensors on the exhaust how can I check to see which one this could be. The truck ran great before all this happened. Thanks for your HELP !