DTC P0330 is for knock sensor No. 2 on left bank
I found this on the tech tip page :
(There is a common failure with these sensors and the harness and it can cause the Transmission to not Lock-up and to not have Fourth gear. These conditions can be intermittent or constant. The part numbers for the needed repair parts are as fallow:
Gasket, Air Surge 17176-62030
Gasket, Intake 17177-20020
Gasket, Intake 17178-20020
Sensor 89615-12040 Needed 2
Harness 82219-07010
The sensors are optional but when you see all that has to come apart to allow them to be replaced you will agree that they should be replaced at the same time just in case.)
Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 AT 7:39 PM