I fixed the problem finally. I replaced the metal bar in the new relay(EP34) with a.22 ohm resistor and all worked fine. No hyper-flash and no load resistors hazard lights work with parking lights on. Sorry I didn't take photos of the final repair, but I did take a photo of the EP34 and one of the stock relay. OEM relay was also made by Tridon. I looked up the data sheet for both of the relay's. The OEM had a Motorola UAA104B and the EP34 had a
Unisonic technologies U2043. Comparing the two circuits I found the latter to be more simple. That's when I decided to remove the metal bar on the new relay(that was supposed to work out of the box with LEDS, but didn't) and replace it with a.22ohm resistor. I noticed there was a comparator on board the chip.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Thursday, August 11th, 2016 AT 11:02 PM