Cleaning this will cost you less than $10.00 to try. Replacement will be more.
Here, is what controls idle (idle air control-IAC) has a plunger in it that constantly moves, allowing itsy-bitsy amounts of air to bypass the closed throttle valve to mix with the fuel from the injectors
This was my experience with the wifey's '03 Ford Escape w/3.0L.
Our Escape would idle low, then it got to point it would die when you stopped.
Revving + holding brake was only way to keep it running.
No warning or service lights came on.
Sometimes while it is running and acting up, you can give the IAC a little "love tap" with a wrench or screwdriver. This is not a fix, just a test! If you notice a difference in the RPMs and it runs better, you may be more confident that you are probably dealing with the correct problem part! This "test" sometimes has no effect.
I took the IAC off and cleaned it, it seemed fine, but just because the engine had over 100,000 miles on it, I went ahead and replaced it (preventative maintenance). I figured it had been moving and wearing for a long time.
This was the wife's rig, so that was the big factor!----I take no chances---she'll whoop my butt!
this is a very simple thing to clean or need to take it to the stealership!
The only difficult thing about it is not to drop the 2 screws you removed to take it off!
We're gonna use "throttle body cleaner" (from an auto parts store) and clean the IAC and the hole it came out of.
Here's a couple of guides from our "Repair Guides", top right of our pages.
Keep us posted as you progress.
The Medic
These pics are of the wife's Ford Escape and IAC.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 AT 4:31 PM