See My Profile and votes,
As you see Imma CJ Kinna Guy,
I was in an Elite Group....U.S. Army Airborne Rangers ('82-'87)
It was banged into us to always be prepared and perform maintenece on everything (whether it needed it or not!)
So my recommendations are :
You can be like me
You can be like "THE BOOK SAYS"
Or you can be at the mercy of physics and "Murphy" (Murphy's Law)
It tells you all OR MOST of what you WANT/ or need to know!.......AND LOTS MORE! (if you will actually read it like a novel, not like a dictionary!)
I recommend this "BOOK SENERIO".....BIG TIME!!!
Asking people, sometimes even here, you can be misled or do not understand......What I am getting at is (TO ME).....If it's not Hardback TEXT or a PROVEN PROOFREAD DOCUMENT (not just 1 opinion)
I am on guard...usually till I get Secondary Confirmation........Not doing nothing to maintain your rig.....Physics takes will be afoot soon!
I have MANY PAPERBACK MANUALS....I keep the better of what I have in EACH VEHICLE......Ya cannot get on line, on a backroad!
Every manual for a specific rig, has its own "SCHEDULE" recommending how and when to perform CHECKS and REPLACEMENTS.....Unfortunatly I do not know YOUR schedule, for I do not have your manual......Like I said, this is the my way deal, and you must put up with my way, while reading it.................GET MANUAL SOON...thank me later!
Still in the MY WAY SECTION........My wifes rig says oil change 4500 miles...NOT!!!....MW says 3000!
Plugs 40000 miles...NOT!!!.....MW says once a year!
MW guesses (this is probably sooner than a manual says)......And if it is.....MW says Mr. FUEL FILTER CHANGE...Once a year, whether it needs it or not!....ON YOUR WRANGLER!
Just to interject rumor....I think I saw in here..SOME WRANGLERS have no fuel filter...NONE!....A manual could verify this!
As for the FUEL PUMP (YOURS!) far in MANUALS I have seen, rigs with internal fuel pumps.........There is no replacement info on a schedule (I may be wrong)......Therefore its sorta like your gas tank rusting out....Do it when it happens!
HOWEVER--If there is no mention in the manual, of replacement (preventative maintenence)........MW says about 7 years would be a decent guideline for a Fuel Pump replacement.....whether it needs it or not!
Yours is probably in the tank...and a Booger to get to......Thats why I did not say sooner!
IN MY '77 CJ 5 and '46 Willys....I keep spare parts! Stuff that has left me on the side of the road.
The '77 in particular, My fuel pump is external on the engine....1s in the console ($21).....My ignition module..extra in there!...rotor button.....I could go on and on!!!
I do not want to make you mad......and I know you did not come here to be scolded.........But
You are a JEEP GUY!!!......McGyver was a Jeep Guy...Ronald Reagan was a Jeep Guy.......
My job is to square you away!
Now, you say...."I do not have room"
This is a Special I run, mostly for the CJ Guys
I will initiate a PM (Private message) to you....You can't till 10 posts.....but you can anwser my PM!
I will let you see ONE, of my JEEP, Photo Albums....from Walmart Photo Sharing.......I gotta have your E-mail address to do so....Private in "PM"
You will see WAY OVERBOARD Jeep Modifications and Equiptment.......Not mods like you think!
All in this Jeep Below!
I would not intentionally steer you wrong!
You may not get to my point....but you will defintely maybe take some of my advice.
Then you come back here, and give me Mega Points and make me sound wonderful in the opinion of me part!in "FEEDBACK".....see what the CJ guys think....Click on "VOTES"
Then really...Let me know that I did not hunt and peck over an hour........As a Hobby...For nothing!
Waiting for your response, here and PM
The Medic
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010 AT 1:58 AM