See my profile. I am your CJ SANCTUARY ! ! ! I KNOW CJs. Investigate CJ 5 and CJ 7 POSTS for my answers.
Please describe your problem and ALL syptoms, before and after, attempted repairs.
Distributor does not power the coil, it does "breaks the circuit" as do points, using the ELECTRONIC IGNITION MODULE.
Its a testable box on your fender or firewall, may be an/ or your issue, maybe another issue doing this too.
It may need to be replaced if there is no spark at the plugs. It can be tested at Autozone or Advance Auto.
Heres some things to try, assuming it will not start up, but will turn over:
Without putting fuel in the carb, does it keep turning over and over, OR does it spit and cough as if has fire. Or. Intermittent fire?
Eliminate fuel starvation as issue, give him a shot of gas or starter fluid, if it starts or makes those coughing, "I'm firing sounds", (better sounding than the 1st test). We will investigate a fuel problem.
Now lets check for ignition factors you need for fire:
DO YOU HAVE 12 VOLTS AT THE BATTERY. Test with at minimum a cheap voltmeter NOT a test light, for all tests
With the KEY ON, do you have 12 volts at the POSITIVE SIDE OF THE COIL? JEEP ENGINE STOPPED.
If you got 12volts, on previous test.
Test the NEGATIVE side of coil, for any voltage WHILE TURNING ENGINE OVER. Your results SHOULD BE PULSATING VOLTAGE.
Several things to consider at this point:
disconnected/ dirty connections
coil bad. Can test if you know your way around a voltmeter.I can help, if need-be.
Electronic Ignition Module
internal distributor problems
OTHERS---We will go there. IF NEED BE.
Gave you enough to keep you busy for a while, SEND BACK ALL OBSERVATIONS, BIG or small.
Love, Turddog
Saturday, March 13th, 2010 AT 4:48 PM