Check the fuel pressure sounds to me you are loosing your fuel pressure it my be your fuel pump these are things to inspect.
1 Inspect Wireset Damaged, worn, or deteriorating spark plug or coil wire(s).
2 Inspect Spark Plug Fouled, damaged or broken spark plug(s).
3 Inspect Fuel Filter Clogged or dirty fuel filter
4 Inspect Distributor Worn, loose or incorrectly adjusted distributor.
5 Inspect Distributor Cap Loose or cracked distributor cap
6 Inspect Distributor Cap And Rotor Kit Loose, cracked, or worn distributor cap and ignition rotor.
7 Inspect PCV Valve Plugged or damaged pcv valve.
8 Inspect Air Filter Restricted or clogged air filter.
9 Inspect Catalytic Converter Clogged, damaged, defective or faulty catalytic converter.
10 Inspect Automatic Transmission Improperly adjusted kickdown cable adjustment or internal transmission problems.
11 Inspect Fuel Pump Improperly functioning fuel pump or circuits.
12 Inspect MAP Sensor Improperly connected or faulty m.A.P. Sensor.
13 Inspect Mass Air Flow Sensor Improperly connected or faulty mass air flow sensor.
14 Inspect Throttle Position Sensor Faulty throttle position sensor or throttle position sensor circuit.
16 Inspect Fuel System Pressure Incorrect fuel pressure being delivered to carburetor or fuel injection system.
Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 AT 8:36 AM