The mechanic changed the rear main seal. Still leaked. Then they discovered they put the wrong seal in so they obtained the right seal from the dealer. Still leaked.
The mechanic said that they yoke may have small grooves in it damaging the new seal - so changed out the yoke with a new one and changed out the seal. Still leaked.
The leak drips at the rear main seal when the engine is off. The leak runs down the drive shaft when the engine is running and transmission fluid is covering the back window.
In the mean time the mechanic is supposed to call me back when he can get a transmission guy in the shop to look at it.
I'm considering legal action as I have had no response to fix my original problem and I am out almost $400.
I'm continually putting transmission fluid in so the transmission won't burn up.
A search of the Internet suggests that the transmission speed sensor could be the cause but I don't know if its location (and its leaking) would mimic these symptoms.
Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 AT 12:27 PM