Intermittent starting issues after being driven?

  • 3.4L
  • V6
  • 2WD
  • 160,000 MILES
This one has been driving me nuts. It's a 2003 like mentioned, pretty decent shape, new good battery, starter is pretty new, no real issues, also we are in a hot and coastal climate that has a lot of salt in the air. If I start it after not driving it for some hours, she starts like a champ; easy and butter on first try. Runs well, regular rpms, no rough idling, no bad symptoms. Here's where it gets funny; I've found that after I drive it for a little bit (typically over 15mins) and turn it off/park. It will start up right away just like the first start of the day - easy. I've noticed that if I leave it for a few minutes (like turning it off and running into a grocery store), that most of the time; it won't start right back up. The battery still has good voltage, the starter tries, but it doesn't turn over for some time (sometimes up to 30-40 minutes of sitting there and waiting), but then it comes back to life and starts. The only other thing I can add is that I noticed when trying to turn it over, sometimes it makes some strange noises in the exhaust like a backfire and sometimes there is a bit of a noise in the engine which kind of sounds like a thud. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 AT 11:46 AM

1 Reply

  • 50,192 POSTS
I short video of the noise will help, from what I am reading the engine has a hard time cranking is this correct? I other words while cranking you hear these noises? Is there a check engine light on? We need more information to go int he correct direction on fixing the issue. In the meantime here is a guide that can help:

Please upload videos in your response of any problems so we can see what to help you with or give us more information, is this an engine running or engine cranking problem?
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Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 AT 4:37 PM

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