Letting the battery go dead could arm the immobilizer. So could removing the cables.
To disarm the system you follow this procedure using the emergency key access code. The code is recorded on the security information card and is entered using the listed procedure. If you don't know the EKA code you will need to have a dealer get it for you after you provide proof of ownership of the vehicle.
Using the key, turn the driver's door lock to the UNLOCK position and hold in this position for at least 5 seconds. An audible warning is then emitted to indicate that the body control unit is ready to accept the code. Return the key to the center position. It is now possible to use the key to enter the separate numerical values of the four digits that make up the EKA code.
Enter the first digit of the code. If the first digit is a 4, you would turn the key to the UNLOCK position and back to the center 4 times. If it was a 5 you would turn the key to UNLOCK and back to center 5 times.
Enter the second digit of the code using the same procedure.
Enter the third digit of the code using the same procedure.
Enter the fourth digit of the code using the same procedure.
After the fourth digit is entered turn the key to the UNLOCK position and back to the center position.
A double horn bleep will indicate that the code has been entered correctly. A single bleep indicates that the code has been entered incorrectly.
Once you hear the double tone, wait 5 minutes for the alarm and immobilizer to be de-activated. During the 5 minute wait for the alarm and immobilizer to be de-activated, the alarm indicator LED in the dash continues to flash (one flash every 2 seconds).
DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR OR ATTEMPT TO ENTER THE CAR until the full five minute delay period has elapsed.
When the 5 minute wait has elapsed, the alarm indicator LED should stop flashing. Immediately open the door, insert the key in the ignition switch and turn the switch to position II (NOT START). If the ignition switch is not turned to position II within 30 seconds of the end of the 5 minute wait, the engine is immobilized again.
The EKA code will not be recognized if there is await of 10 seconds or more between key turns or if the key is held in a turned position for 5 seconds or more during the procedure.
If an incorrect code is entered, an audible warning is emitted and the procedure must be repeated. A maximum of 10 attempts to enter the code is allowed. After 10 attempts, the Body Control Unit will not allow any further codes to be entered for a period of 10 minutes.
Friday, December 15th, 2017 AT 10:23 AM