Resetting clock and radio

  • 2003 HONDA PILOT
98000 miles my husband changed timing belt and water pump and disconnected battery during repair. Everything works fine. Except now I am wondering how to re-set the clock and use the radio.
Tuesday, April 21st, 2009 AT 7:50 AM

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  • 49,691 POSTS

Here is instructions for the dealer on how to do it.

Honda Service News May 2003
Electronically Retrieving Audio Unit Serial Numbers
2001-03 Accord, 2001-03 Civic, 2002-03 CR-V 2003 Element, 2002-03 Odyssey, 2003 Pilot, 2003 S2000 (See SN030510 for specific model applicability).
If an audio unit with theft protection is disconnected from electrical power, you must enter a unique code number into the unit or it
doesn't work. This code and the audio unit's serial number are listed on the anti-theft ID card that comes with the vehicle. If this card is lost, you must get the code number from the Interactive Network (iN). In order to do that, you need to get the audio unit serial number. Some Honda models let you do that electronically. Here's how:
All Honda models with electronically retrievable audio unit serial numbers*(except 2003 Accord with navigation system)

1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

2. Turn on the audio unit, and make sure you see COdE in the display. If you don't see this message, remove the backup fuse for1 minute, and then go back to step 1.

3. Turn off the audio unit.

4. Press and hold the 1 and 6 preset buttons, then turn on the audio unit. The display toggles between two screens. The first screen displays a U and the first four digits of the serial number (for example, U2200 ). The second screen displays an L and the last four digits of the serial number (for example, L0055 ). Ignore the U and L, and write down all eight digits. Then go to step 5.

5. Enter the eight-digit serial number into iN to get the anti-theft code. From the main screen, click on Service.

-Click on Accessories.

-Click on Anti-Theft Code Inq.

-From the Anti-Theft Code Inquiry screen, select the product from the Product pulldown menu, enter the eight-digit serial number in the Serial Number box, and click Submit.

6. Enter the anti-theft code into the audio unit. Refer to the appropriate owner's manual for details.

2003 Accord with navigation system

1. Turn the ignition switch to ACC (I).

2. Turn on the audio unit, and make sure you see COdE in the upper display. If you don't see this message, remove the backup fuse for 1 minute, and then go back to step 1.

3. Turn off the audio unit.

4. Press and hold the top halves of the SEEK/SKIP and CH/DISC bars, and then press and release the PWR/VOL knob. The display toggles between two screens. The first screen displays a U and the first four digits of the serial number (for example, U2200 ). The second screen displays an L and the last four digits of the serial number (for example, L0055 ). Ignore the U and L, and write down all eight digits. Then go to step 5.

5. Enter the eight-digit serial number into iN to get the anti-theft code.

-From the main screen, click on Service.

-Click on Accessories.

-Click on Anti-Theft Code Inq. From the Anti-Theft Code Inquiry screen, select the product from the Product pulldown menu, enter the eight-digit serial number in the Serial Number box, and click Submit.

6. Use the TUNE knob to enter the anti-theft code into the audio unit. When you turn the knob, COdE disappears, and a single digit is displayed. Turn the knob left or right to select each of the five digits of the audio code. When you press the TUNE knob, the system beeps, and accepts each digit as it spells out COdE on the display.

* Refer to the article "Which Honda Models Have Electronically Retrievable Audio Unit S/N's" in SN030510 for a complete list of the models.

Honda Service News July 2003
Clock Gains or Loses Time
2003 Pilot EX
If owners of are complaining that the clock gains or loses 2 or more minutes a month, replace the radio. So why 2 minutes instead of the typical 1 minute? The Pilot EX's radio doesn't have a Reset button, so the seconds can't be zeroed when the hour and minutes are set. Because of this, a true-to-the second test can't be done, and this allows for up to a 59 second margin of error.

Please let us know if you need anything else to get the problem fixed.

Cheers, Ken
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