Thursday, January 24th, 2008 AT 9:34 PM
My civic sub model is SI so it is Duel over head cam. I was driving and then the oil check light and the battery light came on at the same time and then my car just shuts off so I pull over and check the oil dip stick oil levels' good. Then I take my old battery to auto zone to get it checked it was bad so I buy a new one put it in my car try to start it still nothing and then I take the alternator to get it checked it passes test.I check all the fuses all good and all grounds looks good.I try to start it turns over but sounded kind of dragging so then I take off my valve cover to check to see if the timing belt broke. The timing belt didn't break but I noticed that the cam gears where totally off line looks like the belt jumped and one of the cams turned off timing or some thing.I'm worried that maybe one or more of the valves may have been damaged. So how would I fix the timing and why is the battery light still on. Thanks