After the first year owning the car, I had a cylinder misfire problem (running very rough) and Honda replaced all the fuel injectors.
Last week, the engine light came on and started flashing and the car ran rough again but I'm well out of warrantee. It was PT0302 Cylinder #2 misfire. I followed the service manual to diagnose.
- Distributor is good
- Spark plug wires are good
- Cylinder 2 spark plug was fouled (black)
- Swapped Fuel injectors (problem remains in cyl #2)
I put new spark plugs in, ran the car for a bit and checked cyl #2 plug. It was soaked with oil.
My guess from reading the posts is that it's either Valve Guide seals or Piston rings. How can I confirm? Compression tests? Does a "wet" test mean to squirt oil into the clyinder via the open spark plug hole? Thanks in advance for you help.
Sunday, December 3rd, 2006 AT 1:59 PM