Okay, so basically I bought my car back in November of 2007, and I knew that the cv join made a clicking noise when turning, this leads me to think that it had worn out at one point and that the boot was replaced and the joint was not. The boot was not torn at that point, now, however, it is torn, alot of grease leaked out, and it needs to be replaced. I do not have much time available to get it fixed properly, so I was going to try a temporary fix by filling it back up with grease, and then sealing the boot back up, its just got to last a couple weeks at the most perhaps before I can get it fixed. So my question is, how bad could this situation get? What happens if the cv joint becomes badly damaged? Say Im on the freeway and it fails, what signs of failure will I notice?
And in all honesty it doesnt feel bad unless I make a turn, and even then its hardly noticeable. Thanks for your time.
Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 AT 11:56 AM