1998 Honda Accord Multiple Failed CV Axles

  • 4 CYL
  • FWD
  • 110,000 MILES
My problems started with a failed outer CV joint on the passenger side (typical cracked boot, grease all over). I purchased a new axle half-shaft and installed it. The car seemed fine for a time (maybe 75-100 miles), but soon developed an unhealthy vibration in the front end, worst under acceleration and maintaining highway cruising speed.
My axle shaft has a lifetime warranty, so I replaced it a ~three weeks after installing it the first time. This shaft lasted another ~100 miles before it too failed.
I had some other work to do on the car, so I figured I would replace it once more just for kicks. Sure enough, after 50-75 miles it has begun to vibrate again. Any ideas what could be destroying my CV joints! This is driving me crazy!

There seems to be more play in the right side CV axle than there is in the left side (left side is original), even just after installing a new shaft. Tranny or differential problem, maybe?

Many thanks in advance!
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 AT 4:55 PM

1 Reply

  • 41,814 POSTS
Hi john4all,

The problem is from the inner part of the CV joint or trans differential. If the CV inner housing has excessive play at plugged in point, the trans differential bearing is bad.

If it is the shaft that has excessive side play with inner joint housing, then the CV shaft inner joint bearings and housing are the cause.
Was this
Thursday, October 29th, 2009 AT 1:28 PM

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