Hi, I was given this car which is in perfect shape and has very low mileage on it. I have invested arount $300.00 so far to have a fuel line leak fixed, power steering line replaced and a new alternator installed. Car runs great and a pleasure to drive but I have still to get one thing fixed or replaced and that is the speedometer. It wasn't working when I was given the car and my friend says it wasn't working for at least the last year that he had it. I am wondering if there is a censor or fuse to this part that may be faulty or if the wiring may be no good or come loose. The dial at present is all the way to the right pointing down past all speed indications. Would like your advise prior to me spending alot of money to have someone tell me what I suspect or having to replace the unit for no reason. Thanks in advance and looking forward to your reply.
Rob, Montreal, Canada
Friday, May 30th, 2008 AT 5:53 PM