I'm missing the fuse for the fuel pump in the fuse box which is located in the cab under the dash driver side, slot 15 20 amp fuse. Now I can hear the pump prime ehrn I turn the key sometimes. Not always. But even when I do in not enough fuel to the motor. Unless I step on the gas pedal, which doesn't always work either. I'm thinking I need to readjust the pedal took push it partly down the gas pedal works. I push it all the way down. Car bogs down until I let up. That happens when I drive and I idle.S. I can barely keep the car running at idle. Half the time because of the lack of fuel and which also includes a idle loop as well. Help me.
This car is awesome but it's a pain. I miss my Durango.
Tuesday, June 8th, 2021 AT 5:59 PM