Before you get wrapped around the axle, take a test light, (not a voltmeter), ground it to a paint-free point on the body or frame, or better yet if possible, right to the battery's negative post, then probe the side of the gas tank. Watch what happens during the first one second when you turn on the ignition switch, and during engine cranking. If the test light glows at all or lights up brightly, the ground is bad for the fuel pump. This is a very common problem on this model with steel gas tanks. The ground is made through the steel straps, but they fail to do their job when the tank gets rusty.
If you find the ground is bad, drill a small hole through the flange outside the welded seam. Run a self-tapping screw into it, and connect a wire to it. Connect the other end to the frame or body with another screw and small hole.
Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 AT 7:46 PM