Don't know if it will cost alot yet haven't found the problem yet. I do replace the 4x4 shift motors alot the one on the transfer case and they run about 150 anyway lets test the 8 pin connector at the motor I will walk you through the steps and include a pic so you know what pin is what ok.
1) key off connect your ohm meter between term 1 and ground (with automatic trans put in neutral) should read less then 50 ohm's.
2)Now connect you ohm meter between term 2 and 3 it should read between 200 to 350 ohms. Now repeat this step between terms 8 and then term 4 then 8 and 5 then 8 and 6 then 8 and 9 resistance should be between 200 and 350 ohms at each step. If not then the speed sensor needs to be replaced. Here is the pic for this test.

Now it this pans out then here is a test on the the other 8 pin connector at the module.
1) Key off connect your volt meter between 8 and gound you should see battery voltage.
2)Now connect meter between term 7 and gound and turn key on should see battery voltage. Turn key off.
3) Set back to ohms and connect between term 6 and ground should be less then 10 volts. Now connect between term 4 and 5 should also be less then 10 ohms.
4)Connect between 3 and ground then between 2 and ground both should read 0 ohm.

Monday, January 13th, 2020 AT 7:33 PM