It won't destroy your engine if you drive for a little whlie like that, but no one would advocate driving it with a coil that won't fire.
What happens is the unburnt gasoline tends to wash down the cylinder walls of the small amount of oil that's supposed to be there. On most engines this results in low compression on that cylinder while that is happening, and on SOME engines this results in marginally higher cylinder wall wear. Plus you notice the misfire and it's annoying.
The oxygen sensor will also complain about the unburnt fuel flowing out the exhaust. That unburnt fuel could also shorten the life of the catalytic converter.
The reason I use such soft terms like "some" and "could", is because it's not a big problem, but most people would want to repair it sooner rather than later.
Tuesday, November 27th, 2007 AT 9:14 PM