Never broke one of these myself must have a gentle touch! On the other end of the tensioner, there is one bolt though it into the block, unscrew it, pull tensioner off, install new teisioner with new bolt that comes with it, be sure tang goes ni the hole and tighten! BTW your pulley bearing may have weakened the bolt if it was on the way out anyway, Thanks for the minus point...Sorry Frank 6 cylinder is counter clockwise, I thought you had an eight...which is clockwise, but if a tensioner which is spring loaded does not move in one direction, try the other, dont snap it off...

Belt "”4.2L Removal 1. Rotate the tensioner counterclockwise and remove the drive belt.
SECTION 303-05: Accessory Drive 1999 F-150/250 Workshop Manual REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Procedure revision date: 02/03/1999Installation 1. To install, reverse the removal procedure. Refer to component locations for drive belt routing.
Friday, January 8th, 2010 AT 2:39 AM