1996 Ford Explorer Compressor NOT cycling off

  • V8
  • 2WD
  • 175,000 MILES
I replaced everything on my AC system except the condensor and evaporator. New hoses, compressor, clutch, dryer, and orifice tube. I cleaned the evaporator and condensor w/ AC flush and then blew air through them for 5 minutes each to make sure they were cleaned. According to the decal on top of grill, the AC system requires 7oz. Of PAG oil and 1lb. 14oz. (Total 30oz.) Of freon. I added the oil (half in compressor / half in dryer). I sealed it up, pulled a vacuum for 45 minutes to 29.5 inches. Closed everything off and let sit for 20 minutes and everything held at 29.5 inches. First 12 oz can I let the vacuum pull into system. Then fired up truck but compressor would not kick on so I jumped the LP switch. Got it to where the compressor would cycle on and off on it's own. I proceeded to empty the rest of the first can plus a second can (24 oz. So far). The third 12 oz can I placed on a digital scale and pumped the remaining 6 oz.

After all that this is what is happening, the compressor kicks on and stays on. The LS gauge shows it gets pulled down to between 25 and 30 but does not go lower. From previous experience the LS pressure switch will not turn the compressor off until it gets to 20. The HS gauge shows between 150 and 175. The needles do not fluctuate much outside those numbers when compressor is on. This is the kicker, the vent temp gets to between 38 and 40 degrees. Explorer is nice and cold, but I don't think the compressor running all the time is correct.

Am I over charged / under charged or is there something else going on here. I am in Central Florida where temps hover in 90's.
Friday, May 14th, 2010 AT 5:56 PM

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  • 34,087 POSTS
Hi bjd2001. Welcome to the forum. Is it possible you have a variable displacement compressor? Those will run all the time but they use system pressure to change the angle of the wobble plate so the pistons move more or less as needed. Chrysler has been doing this for many years to eliminate the nuisance thumping of the compressor turning on.

If you know this is not the case, and it should be cycling off at times, I'll have to defer to the Ford experts, so I invite anyone else to add a comment.

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Friday, May 14th, 2010 AT 8:11 PM

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