Our Escape would idle low, then it got to point it would die when you stopped. Revving + holding brake was only way to keep it running. Took it to fellow R/C airplane pilot, he doubles as a S.C. State HWY DEPT mechanic.. When I got to his house, he was repairing a tractor. Told him my sob story. Escape was still barely running, I raised the hood. He said, (and I quote)."It could be the IDLE AIR CONTROL(IAC)", as he pointed to it, and emphasied it with a sharp rap using the wrench in his hand. It straightened right up, and ran damn good. That was a 15/16 Craftsman wrench, box end, kinda a medium rap. YES, I visited parts store and replaced it. Hope this helps
Monday, October 19th, 2009 AT 12:27 AM