Wednesday, December 12th, 2007 AT 12:44 AM
"I have a 2001 ford escape v6, automatic transmission w/ 260,000 miles. It started a few months back, when I would start the engine from a cold position, the engine would sputter and engine idle would fluctuate, but never stalled. Driving would be fine but when coming to a stop sign the engine would sputter, stc again. After a few mile the engine would be fine even if I re-started the engine, until the engine cooled down again. Now, 6 months later the engine sputter and stalls at idle position unless I give alitttle gas while holding the brakes down. The service engine light also came on with trouble codes P1506, P1131, P1151, P0171, and P0174. Is all this related to the idle air control valve, MAF sensor, O2 sensor, etc."