Have the same rig. Rather Wifey does!
Here's where it is and what it looks like. On and Off
Her's has a "O" ring style gasket. It's not an "O", so I did not use the traditional one, that came with the new IAC
Very EZ to clean or replace. I cleaned it 1st, had improvement, replaced it anyway, to insure it would go another 100,000 Miles!
Whatever you do, DON'T GET STUCK AND TRY TO REPEATEDLY "FORWARD--REVERSE" IT OUT! Mr. Tranny can't take it! Her Reverse got destroyed (of course, fault was all on me!) I found a Very Reasonable/ Reputable shop to rebuild it---$1500, all others, a lot more!
The Medic
Images (Click to make bigger)
Friday, April 22nd, 2011 AT 10:09 PM