The truck listed above has a 1993 22R engine, it has an1983 clutch installed and a 1983 flywheel. None of the 1983 starters the owner bought would just barely touch the flywheel I bought a 1993 starter. The 1993 starter will start it a couple of times and then it is like it gets to a certain point and grinds, you keep trying to start it and it will crank. Question, do you have to match the clutch with the flywheel and do you have to match the starter up with the flywheel.
Can I turn the flywheel by removing the starter and turning the flywheel from where the starter is mounted so I can see if a tooth is broken? Can the flywheel be attached to the engine and be slightly off, if the flywheel bolts not being tightened in a star pattern.
Thank you, Sir
Larry A. Triplett
Iraq War Vet
Friday, April 2nd, 2021 AT 7:08 AM