Thursday, November 28th, 2019 AT 6:58 AM
I was driving the car uphill. The car started ping knocking. Went down, at a certain point the engine stopped. I used the starter motor to move it on the side. Since then it worked very roughly some times, (not to a point to start moving). Now it does not start. When it was still turning on, I pulled off the pump relay. It stopped. I pulled the fuel pump tube and turned on the ignition: Fuel started coming into a bottle. Some days ago I used the starting spray into the air filter and cranked the engine: It started immediately. It stopped as soon as the starting spray finished. It does not present any fault code to the OBDII Creader 319. It does not seem to recognize the vehicle. ELM327 Android seems to find something, but not enough to present a fault code. Some years ago I had lost the keys. I made another key. The car did not work as the immobilizer did not let it start. I brought the car to a spooky mechanic and he fixed it. I do not know what he did. This is the story. Do you guys have any ideas? Thanks a lot.