Hello BHAMDOC1973,
From the picture it looks like they may be a little overheated from the reddish color and looks like that gap is starting to bridge.
This hesitation, is it worse under heavy acceleration such as wide-open throttle? What about taking off from a stop? Does it get any better the longer it is driven?
Any codes at all?
How long ago were the plugs changed?
I would throw a new set in and see how it runs after that especially if it's been a while since these were put in.
I always get plugs right from the dealer. I have too many issues with aftermarket plugs.
Make sure you bring your VIN with you so they can find the exact plug it requires.
An aftermarket plug might cause an issue. At the very least we can rule them out if the issue continues.
Thank you,
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Saturday, July 1st, 2023 AT 10:57 AM