Thursday, August 3rd, 2023 AT 6:30 AM
Using a power probe my friend injected 12 v into one of the wires on the connector for the ECT sensor by accident and were trying to locate on which pins on the PCM do we check to see if there's something we can do to fix it. Does anyone have a wiring diagram for the car listed above? Also, before that happened, he mentioned that he was driving one day and hit a small pothole and noticed the car acting weird and making an odd noise. So, when he stopped, he opened the hood and noticed a gust of air coming from the top of the radiator area, but no coolant was leaking. Then the radiator fan stopped running and hasn’t turned on since. The car doesn’t overheat and stops halfway on the temperature gauge, but the radiator fan won’t turn on. Not even if the A/C is on. The A/C still works but he won’t turn it on because he’s scared the car might overheat. He looked under the car and noticed his horn was dangling in midair and half of it was missing so he removed it.