1998 Dodge Neon lost timing belt and water pump

  • 1998 DODGE NEON
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 186,000 MILES
Son's car, the timing belt tensioner went out replaced the belt, tensioner and h2o pump. Talked to the previous owner's machanic about this car, he states that at one time the overhead cam cover bolts were lose when the car lost power and wouldn't pull itself. He tightened up the cam bolts and power was restored. Now after about another 60,000 miles has passed, no power and runs very rough, not firing on #1 ( still have strong spark through the plug), took it to a machanic, failed a compresion test ( just on #1 other 3 were ok, No water in the oil no white smoke from tail pipe). What is the likely hood that it is a problem with the cam like before or a headgasket.
Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 AT 8:59 AM

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  • 109,867 POSTS

It could be a head gasket. However, with that many miles on it, an overhaul may be needed. The loss of compression could do with the rings or valves. However, since it was only cylender 1, it may be the head gasket.

The only way to tell for sure is by doing a wet compression test. By placing a small amount of motor oil in the number 1 cylender and rechecking, the oil will improve the compression if the rings are bad. The valves are a different story. They need to be inspected.

Overall, try the wet compression test. If the rings are ok, you will need to remove the head to check the gasket and valves.

If you have any other questions, let me know.
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Friday, October 3rd, 2008 AT 10:42 AM

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