4.7 L V8
99546 miles
I am having some issues with my dodge and cannot seem to figure out the problems. I am having a problem with rough running the longer I drive the vehicle and a sweet/gaseous smell coming from somewhere. My truck was throwing a p0175 error code. After I checked for vacuum leaks, replaced my tps, pcv, checked fuel lines and the map sensor I decided to change my o2. So I replaced the passenger side, before the cat, o2 sensor. When I pulled out the sensor it was carboned up pretty bad. Now my truck is throwing a p0051 error code (the heater sensor on the o2 sensor) on the one I replaced. I had put in a Bosch o2 and a dealership told me that I needed the original chrysler o2 and everything would run just perfect. I am skeptical. I am going to replace the o2 sensor but I think that there is something else wrong because I am still getting that smell.
Tuesday, September 18th, 2007 AT 9:22 AM