The car wouldnt start. It wouldnt even turn over?

  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 11,000 MILES
My daughter was driving her 2001 pt cruiser on the freeway. The check engine light came on. She drove about a quarter of a mile and pulled into a rest stop. Shut the engine off, look under the hood, check the water it was fine, then the oil it was just barely on the stick. She got back in the car to drive just up the street to get oil. The car wouldnt start. It wouldnt even turn over. Is the motor froze up? My son said the might be a sensor that shut the engine down so it wont freeze up. Could this be?
Monday, October 11th, 2010 AT 10:42 AM

1 Reply

  • 109,932 POSTS

If it wasn't overheating and there was still oil on the dipstick, chances are it isn't locked up. If there was something leading to that issue, she would have heard noises from the engine such as a ticking or knocking.

If she did hear noise, take a look through this link that explains different internal engine concerns related to sounds:

If nothing in that link was experienced, then we need to first confirm the battery is good, if there are any bad fuses, and if the starter is getting power.

If you look at pics 1 and 2 below, that is the starting system wiring schematic. I need you to check fuse 1 in the power distribution box under the hood. In addition to checking the fuse, confirm there is power to and from it. Here is a link you may find helpful:

If there is power and the fuse is good, next check the starter relay in the same box. If there is another fuse with the same part number, switch them. If there isn't, here is a link explaining how to check a relay:

If both are good, then have a helper turn the key to the start position while you check for 12v power at the smaller wire on the starter. It will be brown in color.

If there is power, then either the starter motor is bad or the engine is locked. If you question the engine, simply place a socket on the large bolt centered in the crankshaft pulley and using a breaker bar, see if you can turn the engine by hand. If you can't, then it's locked. If you can, then replace the starter.

If you look below, pic 3 shows the location of the fuse and relay.

If the starter is the primary suspect, here is a link that shows in general how one is replaced.

The remaining pics below are the directions specific to replacing the starter on this vehicle.

Let me know if this helps or if you have other questions.

Take care,


See pics below.
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Saturday, September 25th, 2021 AT 9:51 PM

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