OK 1998 Chevy Blazer 71,000 miles I have 2 issues going on, first one. It seems anytime I drive up into the mountains ( not 4 wheeling) or I push or drive her hard it will start losing power, kinda acting like she isnt getting gas, she will just chug along and then the Service Engine Soon light comes on. Some times I will take off the gas cap and then she seems ok and yes I have purchased 3 different caps thinking it was vabor locking and not relieving presure but that isnt it. Then out of the blue she will run fine and the SES light goes off and I get AWSOME gas milage and she runs great. I have tried injector cleaner, have had it put on the scanner and NOTHING shows up. Does anyone have any idea where to start on this? I am a single female and have taken it to a few shops and everyone tells me this or that and of course all high price items. Now second and new issue that just started. When I get in to start I push in the clutch and NOTHING, no noise (except fuel pump power up) and she will not start. At first this happened once in awhile but now it can take me up to 5 minutes and 20 tries before she will turn over to start. I checked battery cables and water level in battery and they are OK. :Roll: Like I said I just purchased this Blazer and it was in the shop alreday for the 4x4 modual ( would go into 4 hi by it self) and the E break, the place I got it from fixed that stuff but after that they said I was on my own. So any advice besides blowing it up would be great.?
Thank you Barbara
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006 AT 9:56 AM