Truck had small, ineffective battery which sometimes my clock would be reset or if I tried to start too many times in too short a period would to start. Other day it would not start but was cranking, it would crank crank crank thunk. Turn key again, same thing. Almost started a few times. Ruined battery. Bought new full size battery and now get nothing, no crank or start. All inside lights work fine, radio etc, cleaned battery terminals, checked fuses, replaced ignition relay, all grounds are attached. Prior to this for three months I had a camshaft position error, (I think. It was cam-something) but it ran okay so did not worry about it. Is it possible I have fried the starter and if so, why am I not hearing a click? It is possible it is the original starter? Old but not too many miles on truck.
Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 AT 3:13 PM